Are you an idiot?

What is this absolute horse piss?!

Did you buy into it?


Can I say piss on my own blog? Fuck it, I’m gonna say it either way!

This is complete and utter piss! Piss! Piss! Piss!

Do not tell me you bought in to this!

Right, ok. Now the emotional outburst is out of the way we can get down to why it’s complete piss.

I came across this ad on my insta feed the other day and it infuriated me for a number of reasons:

Reason number 1:

It’s wrong. On all levels. It purports to doing a specific amount of ab exercises, for a short period, each day and ultimately getting a six+ pack as a result.

Reason number 2:

Six packs, if attainable, are not wholly realistic in a regular daily routine that balances work, life & entertainment in equal and satisfying levels. Life is there to be lived so go and do your best damn job at f***ing living it!

Reason number 3:

Not everyone can get abs. Seriously. An enormous portion of visible abs is down to body type and genetics, so for some they’re unattainable. Look at all the people you know. Now, look at their body shapes and types. Now consider their fitness levels. I bet you the people you have down as the fittest don’t necessarily have abs. Which leads me to

Reason number 4:

Abs are not a sign of fitness levels. It’s a sign of body fat levels. Bodybuilders (now, putting aside all the other issues that can arise from this topic) they all have abs. Right? I guarantee you the majority of them couldn’t run 3km and then do 20 burpees. All show, no go!

Remember this definition: Fitness…. is a combination of flexibility, mobility, strength, power, cardio capacity, endurance, co-ordination and mental stamina. It’s not a fu**ing six pack!

Now, if you’re still reading then you somewhat agree with me, even just a little, and you’re not an idiot. If you didn't get as far as this sentence then you’re an idiot :-)

So, your reward for not being an idiot is 4 steps how you can reduce your body fat to view your overall muscle tone (and possibly your abs, if attainable) while living a healthy work, training, life balance.

Step 1: Reduce your calorie intake to be slightly less, each day, than your daily calorie output

Step 2: Ensure the calories that you do take in are as un-processed as possible. A general rule of thumb would be to avoid most things that come in packets. Try cooking from scratch more

Step 3: Increase your daily calorie output by partaking in some exercise. The more intense the exercise the more calories you will burn. The more resistance based training you do means the more obvious your muscle tone will be when you have finished these steps.

Step 4: Do it for 8 weeks, minimum, before you see any significant results.

There you go. I never said it was going to be easy. Then again, nothing you want generally is, am I right?

If you want more info just post in the comments below, or email me, and i’ll get you sorted with some more details that happen in between those 4 steps.

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