Aunty Agony PT II

Hi can you please ask Ronan about exercise while breastfeeding? Can I do calorie deficit or will it affect breast milk supply? Thanks a million! 

Honestly? I’m not the right person to be asking this… However, I do have a number of clients that are in possession of very small breastfeeding children (man, that sounds weird! I could have worded it better!) and they’re now eating for their training as they did before they started down the pregnancy road.

I haven’t heard any negative reports from them with regards breastfeeding now that they’re back on their pre-pregnancy regimes. In some cases a few of them would be on a deficit of about 200 - 250 cals per day and so far no bad reports.

In the grand scheme of things it’s a pretty small window so don’t stress too much if the calorie deficit needs to be parked for a few more months. Focus on the training and if you still need to hit a deficit later on after breast feeding then your body will be flying at that stage and results will be noticeable much quicker!


Is cycling 60 to 100k  twice a week good exercise?

Yes! It’s great exercise! You’re hitting your cardiovascular system like a champ. Steady state cardio, over a continuous and repetitive timeframe is a good way to increase body fat reduction.

However, one or two things you might also want to consider to compliment your cycling is some upper body work and core work. Upper body tends to be neglected somewhat as you’re focused primarily on pumping the legs. If I were you i’d factor some good upper body compound movements like bench press, overhead press and rows into my weekly regime.

You can never do enough core work and if you focus on your planks you’ll notice an increase in stability and therefore take the pressure off your legs and arms a little bit more.

Protein bars and sports drinks??? Discuss 

this is a very wide topic as there are literally thousands of bars and drinks out there, each offering something ’unique’.

In general…

Protein bars = a replenishment source that re-introduces essential proteins and in some cases carbohydrates and amino acids (amongst other things) to aid recovery. To boil it down it is a source of calories to aid recovery.

Sports Drinks = Generally a source of sugars (simple carbs) that the body needs to replenish itself when it’s doing high intensity exercise. Just make a note about the ‘High Intensity’ part of that last sentence. If you’re not in that category then you’re better off with water otherwise you’re just introducing non-required carbs into the equation which in turn your body will generally store as bodyfat.

Can you please ask about Intermittent Fasting and does Ronan have anything positive to say about it???

Let me just start with…. ‘All diets and eating regimes that result in body fat loss are as a result of a calorie deficit’

They all go their own route but ultimately if it results in bodyfat loss then you’re in a calorie deficit.

Now, in saying that, we’re pretty intricate in our make up and everyone is unique. What works for some may not work for others and vice versa.

In its most basic form it’s all about Insulin. Insulin is the hormone produced by the pancreas and when we eat our insulin levels increase. When we fast they decrease. It’s main role is to convert glucose in our blood into energy. It’s also in charge of fat storage for the body… Therefore if you keep your insulin levels low then your chances of storing glucose as fat are low too.

It’s not as simple as that however…. When you’re in your ‘eating window’ you need to keep your foods as low in GI as possible in order to achieve the best results. This means literally no sugar… Now, think about how hard that’ll be.

I’m not a fan of ‘diets’ as in 99.9% of cases they’re unrealistic and not able to be maintained successfully. The best ‘diet’ you can do is watch what you’re taking in, track it, and then make sure your energy expenditure is greater. Calories in Vs. Calories out.

Here’s the positive part…. If it results in body fat loss for you, if it s sustainable for you and you also see a noticeable result without any compromise on health then go for it! That’s a lot of “if’s”!

Hi, I'm 4 months pregnant and wondering what exercises I can do at home to keep fit. I used to run every day but since I got pregnant I have started going for walks most days instead. I'm nervous to join a gym or fitness classes due to covid. What else can I do at home to keep the fitness levels up, especially coming into winter? Thanks! 


So, here’s the dealio with pregnancy that I always tell people…. “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.

Translation: If your body is used to doing specific training then keep going, within reason, of course. i.e; tail the resistance levels back slightly as pregnancy progresses etc… 

So, what that means is you don’t necessarily have to change your training up when you become pregnant, just don’t start into a new discipline or regime!

Now, let’s factor covid into it… crappy situation… but we’re adapters and as such we’ll modify our training. The good news is you don’t have to actually do too much modifying in order to get a good ‘home workout’. Hell i’ve proved that over 100 times already at this stage using just one piece of equipment and also in a large portion using none at all! Just check out my sample playlist on Youtube to see what i’m talking about.

The only noticeable difference you’ll see is the level of weight you’ll have at your disposal. In the majority of cases it’s a lot less than in the gym. But, that’s not to say you still can’t go through the movement patterns with the weight you do have i.e; a small kettlebell, dumbbell or your own bodyweight itself.

Muscles don’t actually need too much resistance once they’re already trained. All you have to do, to maintain, is subject them to a full range of movement and minimal stimulation. So, that means go through your squats, lunges, deadlifts etc… as usual but just increase the reps, and focus on the full range of movement.

Squats, Lunges, Push Ups, Rows, Overhead Press, Planks, Crunches…. Give them, and their variants, a bash and you’ve got yourself a pretty good home workout!

Check out our YouTube sample channel here for some ideas

I've a fitness question... I've repetitive strain in my hand and if affects my whole arm. What’s the best exercise to strengthen my arm(s)? I can't plank or box or down dog. Thanks 

Ok, so there’s different variations of ‘planks’ you can do to hit the same muscle groups without having to use your arms. Two of which I can think of off the top of my head are the ‘dead bug’ and ‘Chinese plank’. Focus on them while you strengthen and rehab your injury.

When it comes to repetitive strain your best bet is to talk to an AT (Athletic Therapist) or a Sports Physio. They’ll be able to better diagnose and then advise on the quickest way to rehab your issue.

In the meantime focus on squats (YEAH!!!) and your plank alternatives. You’ll be ripped in a very short period of time. If you don't believe me do a quick search on the benefits for the whole body that squats provide coupled with your metabolic rate increase. If you don’t find any positives then come back to me and we’ll have an argument.

Hope the arms heals up soon!


Both my husband and I are in our mid late 40s and do strength and conditioning training twice a week. What would we need to be including in our diet or training program to get the best results? Angela  

That’s a pretty hard one to answer, Angela, if i’m honest…. but i’ll give it my best shot!

I’m going to have to make a few assumptions here but they’re pretty general.

So, based on your description you’re looking at bringing your results up to the next level… i’m assuming here you mean a lower body fat and an increase in definition and / or muscle size… am I right?

If that’s the case then there’s a few things you might want to consider doing:

  1. increase your lean protein intake to aid in muscle development and recovery

  2. Introduce a possible 3rd S&C session per week

  3. Introduce some regular steady state cardio (bike, run, swim etc…) for body fat loss

  4. Examine your calories in Vs. calories out in order to get into a calorie deficit for fat loss

Other than the above we’d need to go for a coffee and have a more in depth chat.

I’m always free for a coffee!

Hi lads, question for Ronan there. My gym is after getting a new hex/trap bar and on one side of it has a sort of counter weight, so the weight is unevenly distributed. What is the purpose behind that weight and should it be in front or behind me? Thanks lads 

I’ve only seen these a couple of times and they’re pretty specific items. If you’re new to training then i’d leave it to one side for the time being.

From what I can gather they’re designed to introduce instability to a movement pattern i.e; an element of off-balance which in turn causes you to counter. Basically if you intro instability into a situation you promote stability. A simpler form of this would be a lunge or single leg squat…even a dumbbell press is an element of instability.

The weight in question can be used both in front or behind depending on the results required. If you’re carrying a heavy load and you’e slightly off balance then it would promote core strength as you counter the offsetting force. You’d also promote strength through your traps and shoulders to a degree as they come into play to help.

Is walking on a treadmill a waste of time?

 Is walking a waste of time?

Personally i’d prefer to see the world and get some fresh air when I walk but if I had to use a treadmill then I guess it would do.

Walking is low impact steady state cardio. It promotes an increase in blood flow, heart rate, calorie use, joint lubrication, metabolic rate etc.. etc… etc…

It’s good for you without being too taxing on your body.

What is a normal calorie deficit? What should I be aiming for to lose weight?

 Now, this is a minefield of a topic…. Let’s keep it short and to the point.

Calorie deficit is all about using less calories than your body needs in order to reduce body fat.

If you take in seriously less than your body needs, on a daily basis, then you’re compromising your immune system, nervous system record rate etc… etc…

If you want a specific number - and taking into account everyone is different with different levels of fat, metabolic rate, training regimes - Then I would suggest 200-300 cals per day.

Although check with a pro before committing to something long term!

How accurate are step trackers like Fitbit/Garmin?

As accurate as they can be given the fact that they’re on your wrist, can’t see or feel the weight of something you’re lifting or see the internal workings of your organs. Other than that they’re pretty good.

Use them as an aside, a suggestion, an aide…. don’t view them as the gospel. If stats and figures are something that encourage you to get out and train then great, use them, but if not then don’t. Ultimately just get out and train!

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